Auction Catalog

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ASB Bistro

Dessert Dash!

Flight Over Clark County!

Front Row Seats to 2018 Christma...

Life Scholarship Paddle Raise

Don't leave yet!  Our next segment will be raising funds for the Firm Foundation Christian School Tuition Assistance Program. All donations help provide quality, Biblically-founded education to FFCS families who are in need of financial assistance.

Don't leave yet!  Our next segment will be raising funds for the Firm Foundation Christian School Tuition Assistance Program. All donations help provide quality, Biblically-founded education to FFCS families who are in need of financial assistance.

Don't leave yet!  Our next segment will be raising funds for the Firm Foundation Christian School Tuition Assistance Program. All donations help provide quality, Biblically-founded education to FFCS families who are in need of financial assistance.


Rings of Opportunity